More than a Midwife

Midwife means ‘with woman’.

More than a Midwife was founded to not only support you through labour and birth; but to advocate for you, to provide you the knowledge to feel empowered to make decisions regarding your pregnancy, labour, birth and postpartum for both you and your baby. To tailor the care to your individual needs. To grow the supports on offer to facilitate a smooth transition into matrescence. But it is more than all of that too, it is about supporting your family, our community and women to hold the power that is innately ours.

Rachael O’Neill

I am a mum to now four beautiful children; Zara, Hazel, Sorcha and Arlo. My matrescence journey has played a big role in shaping the midwife I am. Each of my children have taught me new things about myself and about women and the incredible power we hold.

My last baby was born at home, surrounded by my husband, children, my amazing midwife and our photographer. I had witnessed many homebirths prior to his birth, but the power you have birthing in your own home, inviting others into your space is truly incomparable and not something I could fully appreciate prior to that experience.

Professionally: I completed my midwifery degree right here in Townsville at James Cook University back in 2017. I have worked at a large public hospital on the antenatal/postnatal ward, in birth suite, and in clinics; I have also worked in a midwifery group practice (MGP). I have been attending birth at home as a 2nd midwife since late 2021. I am working towards becoming a International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC).

I am passionate about education and all things birth. In my spare time (what is that), I love reading birth stories, exploring new research, discussing pregnancy, birth and postpartum, and listening to some amazing midwives talk about birth.